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Romanian Royal House's Coronation message: King Charles III - a friend of Romania

King Charles III is a friend of Romania's and has a deep understanding of the European continent, in its entirety, says Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Margareta, in a message conveyed on Saturday on the occasion of the coronation of the British sovereign.

"Today's coronation in London connects the past with the present through a historical tradition of a thousand years. A tradition that has carried on through wars, cataclysms, revolutions and fundamental changes of the world. His Majesty King Charles is being crowned after almost six decades of devoted service to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. All my life I have witnessed his devotion to the Crown and the Nation," says the Crown Custodian.


Princess Margareta and her spouse Prince Radu wish the British sovereign and the Queen Consort "a blessed reign, for a better future of their country and the entire world."

