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Russia to respond to expulsion of Russian diplomat from Romania, says Zaharova

Moscow will answer Bucharest to the expulsion of Russian diplomat of the Russian Embassy in Romania, stated on Friday the spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zaharova, according to the Russia state media, among which Rossiskaia Gazeta, Izvestia and RBC which quotes the official press agency RIA Novosti.

In April, the Russian president Vladimir Putin named a nominated a new  ambassador of the Russian Federation to Romania, namely Vladimir Lipaev who replaced Valeri Kuzmin.

The pro-governmental portal RBC mentions in this context that Romania expelled a Russian diplomat in August 2022. As then, the name of the expelled diplomat has not been made public. The Russian portal also states that Bucharest has not indicated the exact reason behind its decision to expel the employee of the Russian diplomatic mission.
Referring to the Vienne Convention mentioned by the Romanian diplomacy RBC only presents the document as having 53 articles and describes the international agreements regarding norms and privileges of the activity of the diplomatic workers from the countries signing the agreement.

The same portal speaks about the fact that on 14th March the European Parliament adopted a resolution through which Moscow is required to restitute Bucharest the part which was left from Romania’s National Heritage (91, 5 tons of pure gold, cultural objects and historical archives) which was sent to Tsarist Russia for storage in 1916 and 1917 ‘ to protect it from destruction during the First World War’.

The vice-chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitri Medvedev considered the statements of the European party as ‘ sheer impudence’ and added that the EU ‘ stole 300 billion dollars from Russia’ according to RBC. Medvedev referred to the Russian assets frozen by the West after Russia’s February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

In the past two months, in response to the expulsion of its diplomats, Russia has made similar decisions regarding more foreign diplomats, the media added.
