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Slight pressure for the leu depreciation will continue during the period to come

The slight pressure for the depreciation will continue during the period to come as regards the national currency stated, for Agerpress Adrian Mitroi, general secretary of CFA Romania.Over the last months, the leu developed in correlation with the currencies in the region, both as volume of trading as well as the appreciaiton. The trend shows a certain correlation with the region. I think that the slight pressure for the depreciation will continue for the period to come. For the moment, we benefit from the attitude pro risk from the European markets and that of expectation on the American and Asian markets. The relative calmness on the markets shows for the moment a certain calmness in investment. But, historically, September is the most defavourable to markets, as a rule which fights to be confirmed year after year’ Mitroi said.

According to him, the financial markets do not appreciate the VAT reduction and are skeptical about the trend of economic growth offered only partially and conjectionally by exports. ‘Unfortunately, the biggest part of them do to the European Union, without benefits of VAt for us. The only solution ( and the most difficult) for us is to reduce the part of state economy in favour of the private one. So, we have jobs and economic growth. Thus, we will luse any reason to postpone the structural reforms in the state economy. This inefficient weight consumes energy and income, which could balance the deficit of funds in the health system and educational system. Moreover, the state economy does not make any investments with minimal multiplying effect. Unfortunately, the deficit management ensres the sustainability of public finance, but not their efficiency’ Mitroi said.

