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St Andrew Fair and National Day events at “Dimitrie Gusti” Village Museum

Dimitrie Gusti” Village Museum expects visitors until December 3 at St Andrew Fair and for the events organized on the occasion of Romania's National Day.


On December 1, a series of events devoted to the National Day will be organized at the Village Museum .


On the National Day we invite you at 'Dimitrie Gusti' Village Museum. The Military Tradition Association will march on the museum alleys wearing 1918 military costumes and will present theme workshops for children, under the command of Mircea Stoica, the Association coordinator.


The children will discover beautiful folk trades at the creation workshops devoted to the Union. The Children's choir St Nectarie's Friends, musician Danie Vasilescu, Tronos Psalm Group of Romanian Patriarchy coordinated by Mihai Buca, rhapsode Marian Vasile Ghica, the Living Human Treasury, will perform on Victor Ion Popa stage.

