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Surveillance, detection and intervention capacity increases in regions near Ukrainian ports attacked by Russia


The Ministry of National Defense presented, on Thursday, at the meeting of the Supreme Council for National Defense (CSAT), a set of concrete measures to increase the capacity of aerial surveillance, detection and intervention, depending on the situation, in the regions close to the Ukrainian objectives targeted by the Russian attacks, the Presidential Administration informs in a statement sent on Thursday, at the end of the CSAT meeting.

The source specifies that, in the last month, the security situation in the region has significantly deteriorated as a result of the increase in Russia's hostile actions towards security and freedom of navigation in the Black Sea.

"The intensification of Russian drone attacks on Ukraine's maritime and river ports in the Black Sea area has brought the war even closer to Romania's borders. The incidents with drone fragments falling on the territory of our country and implicitly of NATO have increased the risk of escalation," says the source.

In this context, the source emphasizes that "through permanent direct communication at the political and military level, Romania constantly and in detail informs all its allies and partners, including strategic ones, regarding developments and their potential impact".

Our country received significant political and practical support from all allies and partners, which included the air police component and the surveillance of the airspace above the Black Sea, adds the source.

On Thursday morning, a drone crater, with a possible explosion upon impact, was discovered in a vegetation area near the right bank of Chilia branch, following the overnight attacks on Ukrainian ports.

