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Survey: almost two thirds of the Romanians would not buy a house in the next six months

A Romanian out of six (62%) would not acquire a house in the next six months, while almost 10% are looking for the second house outside the city where they live at present, shows a specialty survey, published on Wednesday.

According to the analysis of Crosspoint Real Estate, if last year the Romanians believed that the prices would grow- more than 63% - in 2020, only 44% of them believe the prices would have increases.

At the same time, 44% of the interviewees consider that the prices of residences will increase over the next period, and more than half (55%) would like to have a yard, while over 25% want a larger space in their homes.

Similarly, 62% of the interviewed Romanians would not acquire a residence in the next six months, while almost 10% are looking for the second residence outside the city they live in, and over 46% are looking for a quiet area, irrespective of the city.

As regards the working life safe environment with larger spaces, maybe even individual offices,office meetings as well as the mix of office work and home, these are the most important things for the Romanians following the sanitary crisis. Thus, the Crosspoint Real Estate survey shows that the level of flexibility at the workplace has increased, 46% of the employees working flexibly, either at home or combining home work with office work.

Moreover, 54% of the interviewees stated that they work at their regular place.

The report relies on a survey made in October 2020, on a sample of 900 employees in Bucharest and regional cities.

Set up in 2005, the Crosspoint Real Estate company offers,both services for trading and consultancy in the real estate domain, as well as financial solutions necessary to big investors, for all types of proprieties: offices, retail, industrial, land, hotels and residential.

Crosspoint Real Estate is the international associate Savills in Romania, one of the biggest companies of real estate at global level, set up in 1855 with incme of over 1.93 billion sterling pounds generated in 2019.Last year, the company registered a turnover of 2.65 million euro.
