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Survey: Three out of five Romanian employees have participated in a job interview this year

Three out of five Romanian employees have participated in a job interview this year, and the most frequent fears during the interview were emotions, the employers' high expectations and the lack of experience, according to a survey made by bestjobs , an online recruiting platform in Romania.

Candidates on the recruiting platform made a new record of over 1.1 million applications in the first months of the year, intensifying searches for new jobs. In addition, more than 60% of respondents to the latest bestjobs survey declared they had participated in at least a job interview this year, while 20% intend to participate in interviews in the following period.

According to the source mentioned, candidates would say “no” to a job after the interview in case the salary presented is below market level or expectations (41%), are asked whether they would like to work during legal vacations or free days (30%), realize during the interview that the job is not fit for them (27%), are asked about their intentions to have children (9%) or the recruiting process lasts too mcuh, with too many decision makers involved (25%).

In this context, bestjobs introduces live ingterviews on the platform, in which candidates can have 1-to-1 talks with recruiters , without going through the application and screening stage. This kind of interview is similar to the concept of “speed dating”, when candidates have 8 minutes at their disposal to introduce themselves and learn about the respective job. After that quick interview both candidates and recruiters can vote “yes” in case the job is right and they are interested in going ahead with the recruiting process.

The survey was made over October-November on a sample of 1,200 internet users in Romania.

Bestjobs is one of the most important online recruiting platforms in Romania, with over 35,000 jobs available and 4.6 million professionals connected to the labour market.
