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Swoboda: PSD asks PES to delay or move Congress

Social-democrat party (PSD) asked the Party of European Socialists (PES)to delay or move the Congress to Brussels so that the event should not be affected by domestic political fights. The decision on the transfer to Brussels will be announced shortly, Hannes Swoboda, the S&D leader of the European Party told Mediafax on Thursday.


“The decision to request the postponing or the moving to Brussels of the PES Congress has been taken by PSD. The request has been made orally this morning by PSD President Mr. Victor Ponta, in a meeting held with me and PES President Sergei Stanishev,” Swoboda said. The meeting reportedly took place in South Africa, where the Socialist International is holding its congress.


Swoboda pointed out that the oral request made by Ponta will be followed by a letter on that topic addressed by PSD leaders and Stanishev will inform the PES presidium. The transfer of the 28-29 September Congress from Bucharest to Brussels will be officially announced on 31 August or early next week.


The PES Convention voted in Brussels on 25 November 2011 to hold the next PES Congress in Bucharest in 2012. PSD president Victor Ponta said that the organization of PES Congress in Bucharest is a sign for East European countries.

