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The average income of the population – 2,477 lei per household in the first three months of the year

The population had in the Q1 total average monthly income per household of 2,477 lei, one person having 928 lei, while the total expenditure was 2,226 lei per household and 834 lei per person, those of consumption being 72.6% of the total, according to the data of the Institute for National Statistics (INS).


According to the results of the inquiry of the family budget, in Q1 2014, the total monthly average income represented, in nominal terms 2,477 lei per household and 928 lei per person. The money income was on averge of 2,034 lei monthly per household ( 762 lei per person) and the other income was 443 lei monthly per household (166 lei per person), a press release sent on Monday by the INS says.


Salaries and other associate income represented the most important source of income, namely almost half of the total income of the households


To the formation of the household income contributed the income from social performances (24.1%) agriculture (2.4%) non-agricultural independent activities (2.5%) and property and sales of assets from the household (1.4%).An important share is included in income in kind (17.9%) mainly, the countervalue of the consumption of agro produce from own resources (16.2%).


Thus, the total average income per household from the urban environment was of the first three months of the year by 29.3% higher than those of the households in the rural environment and by 11.1% higher than the total of households. In the urban, the income of households comes 61.5% from salaries, 23.4% from social performances, income in kind being 8.4% of the total.


In the rural, the main source of income was represented by the agricultural production, which offered 37.7% of the total.. The highest part 32.2% of the total was formed by the countervalue of the consumption of agro produce from own resources, the money income making 5.5% of the total income of the households in the rural. An important contribution to the formation of rural household income got to salary income (29.4%) and those of social performances (25.4%).


The total average expenditure of the population of 2,226 lei monthly per household and 834 lei per person represented 89.9% of the total income.The main destinations of the expenditure of the household are the consumption of food, non-food, services and transfers to the public administration and private administration and to the budget of social insurances, under the form of taxes, contributions, as well as the coverage of needs connected to the production of the household ( pet food, payment for the work for the production of the household, products for planting,vet services, etc.).


The expenditure for investments, destined for the acquisition or the construction of houses, the purchase of land and equipment necessary for the production of the household, the acquisition of shares hold already a very small share in the total expenditure of the household, of only 0.2%.

