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The extraordinary show ‘ On the Road to Christmas”  - presented by Madrigal Choir on 19th and 20th December at TNB


The National Chamber Choir ''Madrigal - Marin Constantin'', conducted by Anna Ungureanu, performs, on 19 and 20 December, at the National Theatre in Bucharest (TNB), the extraordinary show ''On the Road to Christmas''.


According to a press release sent on Monday, for a period of almost 90 minutes, Madrigal Chamber Choir together with the actors invited and the children from Cantus Mundi invite the audience to (re)discover the deep symbols of Christmas through music,poetry, literature, scenography, theatre art, stage movement and light design.

The selection of dramatic texts made by Madalin Guruianu take the audience through a  dynamic succession, starting with ‘ Songs of Songs’ to the poems by Eugen Jebeleanu, Lucian Blaga and Costache Ioanid and texts signed by Khaled Hosseini, Saint Theresa de Avila and Paulo Coelho.

Direction and scenario are signed by Emil Pantelimon and scenography by Vladimir Turturica.

The extraordinary performances "On the Road to Christmas" are part of the "Madrigal 60" anniversary programme, which runs throughout 2023. The programme marks 60 years of uninterrupted activity, excellence in music and diplomacy through culture for the Madrigal Choir, which has become a symbol of national artistic constancy, but also of Romania's cultural relevance and image in the world.

