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The general strike in education continues

 Education employees threaten to take to the streets massively, in parallel with the general strike, if the gov't does not come up with proposals to solve the problems they face, according to a joint release by the Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education, the Spiru Haret Federation of Education Unions and the Alma Mater National Trade Union Federation,, issued on Monday.

The three federations, on behalf of the employees in education whose rights and interests they represent, rejected the "so-called offer of the Romanian Government" on Sunday.

"We don't need social aid! We are not socially assisted! We need decent salaries! We didn't decide to strike overnight! We don't play political games! It's the strike of the school people, it's the strike of over 200,000 employees in education, who are fed up with the indifference of the governors. It is the strike of those who say bluntly: This is not possible anymore! Now, more than ever, it is important to show unity. We thank the parents and students for their support and understanding!" the trade unionists say.

The general strike in education was launched on Monday, 22 May, and will continue until the trade unionists receive a credible solution from the government, which offers very clear perspectives, the president of the Spiru Haret Federation of Education Unions, Marius Ovidiu Nistor, said on Sunday, at the end of the negotiations at the gov't venue, the Victoria Palace.

More than 150,000 teaching staff and about 70,000 auxiliary teaching and non-teaching staff are participating in the general strike, according to representatives of the Spiru Haret FSE.
