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The law which regulates activities for the prevention of diseases- promulgated

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Friday the Law regarding the organization and financing of the services for the promotion of health and prevention of diseases.

The document aims at three domains: financing of the services of health and the prevention of getting a disease, organization and coordination of activities of promotion of health and prevention of getting a disease at central and regional/local level, training of human resource involved in activities of health promotion and prevention of diseases.

In this sense, there will be a multi-annual programme which could include annual sub-programmes. ‘In terms of 90 days since the coming into force of the present law, the ministry of health draws this programme for a period of four years which will approved by government decision’ the text says.

Services and activities of health promotion and prevention of diseases are state guaranteed and budget funded through the ministry of health,the national fund for health insurances, the budget of public works ministry, for prevention in the benefit of local communities, the budget the ministry of work and social protection, of ministry for environment, waters and forests, ministry of youth and sport, ministry of education and research, ministry of agriculture and rural development, for preventive activities referring to food and nutrition, as well as local budgets and other sources, including donations and sponsorships according to the law.

Activities for the promotion of health and prevention of diseases are organized and coordinated by the National Agency for Health programmes in the Ministry of Health.

According to the provisions, the action of prevention and combating of infectious diseases is made by acquisition of vaccines, according to the objective necessity of Romania, taking into consideration the recommendations of the World Health Organisation, by assuring the distribution of vaccines in Romania, the organization of promotion and information campaigns regarding vaccination, the financing of the vaccination campaigns as well as through financing of the epidemiological supervision in Romania.



Monday, July 27, 2020