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The National Bank of Romania 's foreign exchange reserves fell to 63.187 billion euros in August


The foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) were 63.187 billion euro at the end of August 2024, dropping by 0.62%  as compared to the level of 63.579 billion euro, on 31 July 2024  according to a press release of the Central Bank sent on Monday.


During the month of August there were inflows of 2.397 billion euro, representing the change of the minimum reserves in foreign currency made by the credit institutions at BNR, the replenishments of the accounts of the ministry of finance and others.


There were also outflows of 2.789 billion euro, representing the change of the minimum reserves in foreign currency made by the credit institutions at BNR, installment payments and interests in the account of the public debt in foreign currency, payments from the account of the European Commission and others.


The level of the gold reserve remained at 103.6 tons. Under the conditions of the international price developments, its value was 7,588 billion euros.


Romania's international reserves (currency plus gold) on August 31 2024 were 70,775 billion euros, compared to 71,029 billion euros on July 31, 2024.


The payments due in September 2024 in the account of the public debt denominated in foreign currency, direct or guaranteed by the Ministry of FFinance, amount to approximately 685 million euros.


