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The new Parliament - convened on December 20


President Klaus Iohannis signed on Wednesday the decree convening the new Parliament of Romania, the Presidential Administration informs. Romania's newly elected Parliament will convene on December 20 at 14:00.

Romanians elected their representatives to the new legislature on December 1. 


According to the Constitution, after the final results of the 2024 parliamentary elections are announced, the newly elected Parliament shall meet, upon convocation by the President of Romania, no later than 20 days after the elections. The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate shall be considered legally constituted after the validation of two-thirds of the mandates of deputies and senators and after their swearing-in.

Klaus Iohannis’ mandate ends on December 21, 2024.


However, by its decision of December 6, annulling the presidential elections, the Constitutional Court established that Iohannis remains in office “until the swearing-in of the newly elected president.”


Of the total of 446 deputies and senators elected on December 1, 162 come from the radical right parties: AUR, SOS and POT. The same number of mandates are also held by the PNL, USR and UDMR together. 


PSD, PNL, USR, UDMR and the parliamentary group of national minorities announced, after the meeting on Tuesday evening at the Victoria Palace, that they will form a coalition together and that they want to support a common candidate in the presidential elections. The parties will have a new meeting tomorrow.

The four parties that want to form the pro-European governing alliance would have 304 mandates in the new Parliament, out of a total of 465, meaning 66% of the total number of elected representatives.


The sovereignist parties will represent somewhere over 35% of the future Legislature.

The Social Democrats currently have 123 senators and deputies. They will have 30 fewer elected representatives than at present, but they will still remain the most numerous.


According to the results of the December 1 elections, AUR would be the second formation with the most MPs, with 88 elected representatives, but if we look at what several social democrats have declared recently, they said that they will not form alliances with extremists. PNL will have 71 MPs, USR – 59, UDMR – 32, SOS Romania – 43, POT – 30 and minorities 19 mandates.


Sovereignist parties have over 30% of the total mandates in Parliament, AUR has twice as many elected representatives as it currently does.

