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The Parliament adopted the Declaration on terrorist attacks against the State of Israel

Parliament on Wednesday adopted a declaration on the terrorist attacks against the State of Israel and its civilian population, in which it "strongly condemns the attacks of the terrorist organisation Hamas against Israel, the crimes and violence against the civilian population, terrorist infiltrations and hostage-taking." 


Last but not least, the Parliament reaffirms in the(former prime-minister)  document the special importance of the partnership between Romania and the State of Israel, including in the context of the completion of 75 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations.


Unaffiliated MP Ludovic Orban (former prime-minister) said Wednesday that he is convinced that Russia, Iran and "all the demons that are trying to destroy civilisation, to strike at democracy" are behind the attacks in Israel.

"At least today, Romania's Parliament is really a Parliament of a democratic and civilized country and maybe we can wash away some of the shame of yesterday, when we had a little left and were the laughing stock of the world. (...) I do not believe that Hamas prepared this strike and executed this strike completely and totally by chance, without any connection to other events happening on the planet. I am convinced that behind this attack is Russia, I am convinced that behind this attack is Iran and all the demons that are trying to destroy civilisation, to strike at democracy, to strike at people who really want to live in peace, to live in respect, to be able to achieve happiness in this world," Orban told the joint plenary meeting of Parliament.

He added that he was "shocked" by the scale and total lack of logic, reason and humanity of the attacks against the State of Israel.

"It was a criminal, terrorist attack, an attack against innocent people, people who simply could not defend themselves and who fell victim to a profoundly inhuman, treacherous aggression that must not be condoned in any form. Today's world is a world in which civilisation, humanity, democracy, respect for human life, respect for human dignity are increasingly being put at risk in more and more parts of the world," he said.


284 votes "for" were registered, and three parliamentarians did not vote.
