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Traian Basescu: Romania has obtained 39.8 billion euros, largest percentage increase of the budget

Romania has obtained the largest percentage increase of the budget within the multiannual financial framework of the European Union 2014-2020, namely 39.8 billion euros, said on Friday evening, in Brussels, President Traian Basescu, in a press conference at the end of the EU summit.

A very important facility obtained by Romania is that the VAT is deductible, so that the higher VAT is in Romania, the higher the amount of European money that comes to the state budget. VAT deductibility brings to Romania's state budget approximately two billion euros throughout 2007-2014 financial framework, Traian Basescu also said.

President Basescu highlighted that Romania has obtained a 10 percent increase of the cohesion budget, compared to the budget allocated under 2007-2013 financial framework, which stood at 19.8 billion euros.

In respects of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Romania has obtained an increase of 3.7 billion euros, or 27 percent as against the budget for the period 2007 to 2013, which stood at 13.8 billion euros.
