U.S. Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec remarks at CPC Partnership Signing Ceremony

September 16, 2024
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Internal Affairs Predoiu,
Minister Ghigiu, Head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery,
Honored guests, friends, colleagues,
Before I begin, I would like to express my deep condolences to the families and communities of the victims of the recent floods in Galati and Vaslui. We stand in solidarity with all those affected by this natural disaster.
Thank you for joining us at the U.S. Embassy this morning for this signing ceremony of the Child Protection Compact Partnership between the United States and Romania.
We have established this partnership based on our shared belief in the inherent dignity and fundamental rights and freedoms of all people and our recognition of the need to act together to put a stop to the scourge of human trafficking.
Human trafficking is an evil that deprives millions worldwide of their dignity and freedom. As President Biden stated, “there is no greater sin than the abuse of power, and human trafficking is among the worst abuses that exist.”
Child trafficking is a particularly severe abuse of power and a violation of trust. It is life-shackling and soul-crushing. Many adult human trafficking victims around the world, including in the United States, were first exploited as children.
Together with Romania, the United States stands firm in its commitment to end child trafficking. This effort requires our close coordination and steadfast commitment.
In order to help the most vulnerable, the United States Government will develop jointly with the Romanian Government and civil society organizations a five-year Child Protection Compact Partnership known as the CPC.
This partnership provides the impetus to share resources and to deepen our collaboration to combat child trafficking in Romania.
Under the CPC Partnership, the U.S. Government will support government agencies and NGOs in Romania that work to identify and address the needs of child victims and at-risk children.
We will support Romania in its efforts to develop a victim-centered prevention strategy, to increase protection for child victims of trafficking, and to improve investigations in order to prosecute and convict perpetrators of child trafficking.
To this end, the State Department will contribute up to ten million dollars over a five-year period to implement activities in Romania under the CPC Partnership.
I want to thank the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities in particular for their leadership in tackling these difficult issues and in implementing this partnership.
Your efforts are instrumental to prevent the crime of child trafficking, increase the safety of children, protect victims, and hold perpetrators accountable.
Thank you also to our partners and stakeholders in the Prime Minister’s office, the Parliament’s Anti-Trafficking Commission, the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, the Romanian Police, the National Authority for Children’s Rights, and the National Anti-Trafficking Agency for rising to this challenge.
Your support is essential for the creation of the CPC partnership.
I would like to convey our special appreciation to the NGO consortium that will serve as implementing partners through the CPC Partnership.
This consortium will be led by the International Justice Mission and World Vision and include a number of organizations, including People to People, the Association for Victims of Sexual Crimes, e-Liberare, Code for Romania, the Federation of NGOs for Children, Terre des Hommes, and Vedem Just.
Your expertise and experience will be critical in achieving the goals, objectives, and activities of this program.
In sum, we see the signing today of the CPC Partnership between the United States and Romania as an important step forward in our common effort to eliminate child trafficking, to protect children, and bring traffickers to justice.
Thank you to everyone here today for your presence, and your commitment to this important work. It is an honor to join you in this effort.
(Source: Public Diplomacy – Press Office
U.S. Embassy-Bucharest)