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Ukrainian foreign minister’s visit to Bucharest postponed twice

The visit of the Ukrainian foreign minister Leonid Kozhara to Bucharest was postponed for the second time for Spetember-October, Teofil Bauer, the ambassador of Ukraine declared on Tuesday.

According to him, the visit was scheduled initially for May 23 but did not take place because of the agenda of foreign minister Titus Corlatean. It was then re-scheduled for 15 July but the Ukrainians requested a delay.


The first postponement was because minister Corlatean went to Leipzig for the anniversary of the German Social-Democratic Party and the second one because minister Kozhara had a very busy agenda on that day.


Four bilateral documents about collaboration between the two Foreign Ministries should have been signed, upport of Ukraine’s EU accession, the settlement of the protection of personal data and the installation of optic fiber between border localities of Isaccea and Orlovka.


Ambassador Bauer said talks about the preparation of prime minister Ponta’s visit to Ukraine continued.

