Victor Ponta : I am very disappointed by the result in Brussels, there is no euro more
Premier Victor Ponta stated for Mediafax that he was very disappointed with the final result of the budgetary allocation for Romania made by the EU which was presented as being better but in fact is worse than the initial offer of the European Commission and practically did not obtain no euro more than in November.
‘I am very disappointed by the final result, which we present as good when in fact is very bad against the proposal of 8 billion euro made by the European Commission and the chairman Barroso. Romania got 39 billion euro, so we lost 9 billion euro against the initial proposal and no special request referring to the value of pre-financing which dropped from 7% to 4%, to co-financing of the rural development, which from 85% dropped to 75% and several other technical matters, in fact we got nothing. Practically, against the month of November, today Romania did not succeed in obtaining one euro more and no advantage. I think that it is an unfair allocation for Romania and there is no need to fool ourselves’, Ponta said for Mediafax.
He explained that Poland, for example, which for the budgetary period benefitted from 70 billion euro, the double of the budget of 33 billion euro of Romania, received a plus of 15% while Romania with half of the budget of Poland in the mentioned interval, received only 18%.
‘Anyway, we would like to present the figures, it is a very bad result, the worst we could have, it is a great disappointment’ Ponta said, showing that the figures are presented as positive by president Basescu through a PR trick.
Premierul a apreciat ca, prin aceasta alocare bugetara, care nu putea fi mai mica decat atat, Romania nu reuseste sa se apropie de o dezvoltare europeana, ci dimpotriva, se departeaza de aceasta tinta.
‘ I consider that, again, we received less money than we should, taking into consideration the surface of the territory and the population of Romania. The legend with president Basescu as big negotiator died today’ Ponta said.
Asked in Brussels about the comment on the fact that the premier expressed his disappointment with regard to the sum allocated to Romania, president Traian Basescu said that he sent to Victor Ponta the latest document I sent to the European Union’ Basescu answered.
Traian Basescu : Romania obtained a maximum of what they could get. I, personally, I am satisfied.
President Traian Basescu considered himself as satisfied with the budget obtained by Romania in the negotiations in Brussels, he stating that our country got the maximum of what they could get.
‘I think Romania obtained a maximum of what they could get.It was hard, but I liked it. I, personally, I am satisfied, as compared to what we could get, I am satisifed. I think that I and the ones who accompanied me we did our duty’at the end of the negotiations within the European Council regarding the budget for EU for 2014 – 2020.