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Viktor Orban excludes Fidesz could be part of ECR group in EP because of AUR integration


Hungarian premier Viktor Orban excluded the possibility that Fidesz, its political force, could be part of ECR, the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) headed by the Brothers of Italy party, led by Italian premier Giorgia Meloni.

That is due to the recent integration of the Romanian nationalist party AUR (Alliance for Romanians' Union) which Orban considers “anti-Hungarian”, EFE informs.


Viktor Orban met Giorgia Meloni in Rome, on Monday, as part of a small tour including Paris and Berlin.


The meeting took place before the EU summit, which announces to be important for the EU leading positions, following the European elections held this week, ANSA wrote.


Meloni and Orban have good relations and share the same opinion on aspects such as fighting illegal migration and the drop of the birth rate as well as establishing limits to the joint EU sovereignty.


However, Orban does not share the firm support of the Italian government for Ukraine, which is fighting against Russian invasion forces.

Orban's Fidesz Party is not part of any European group after having left the European Popular Party, two years ago.


Orban showed his willingness to collaborate with Meloni for “the consolidation of right wing European parties, even if he excluded the affiliation of Fidesz to ECR.

