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World leading energy and national security experts to attend in Bucharest EnergIntell conference, Oct 24 - 25

World leading energy and national security experts will gather on Thursday and Friday in Bucharest at the EnergIntell conference titled "Energy Concerns in National Security and Business Intelligence", the organizers said in a release.

The conference will explore critical aspects of energy resilience and the use of business information in the context of national security, particularly in times of conflict; the sections of the event are slated at landmark venues in Bucharest, such as the 'Carol I' Central University Library, or the Parliament Palace.

The first part of the conference works on October 24 consists of a series of presentations by internationally famed experts. The keynote speakers include Ditte Juul Jorgensen, DG Energy Director General; Kristian Ruby, Eurelectric Secretary General; Professor Christian Doonan from the University of Adelaide-Australia; Environmental Business International Principal Andrew Paterson; Professor Mariya Trifonova from the University of Sofia.

In the second part of the day, the participants will attend three thematic panels, and at the end of the works on October 24, Senior Associate Fellow at the Egmont Royal Institute in Brussels Bernard Siman will take a detailed look at hybrid threats and financial influences on energy security.

On Friday, October 25, president of the National Energy Regulatory Authority George Niculescu will deliver a lecture at the Parliament Palace. The works will end at the headquarters of the Romanian Energy Center, where Vice-President Frank Hajdinjak will give a presentation about Romania's role in South-Eastern European energy security.

"Energy is the backbone of an economy, social welfare and development of a country or region. This is why it is vital to have correct and timely information about the key players in the energy markets, about trends and the implications of technological changes in order to stay competitive. We therefore created a conference that explores the connection between these two fields," declared Mireille Radoi, EnergIntell initiator and coordinator.

The conference is organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, through the Faculty of Business Administration (with English/French/German-taught curriculum), with the support of the 'Mihai Viteazul' National Intelligence Academy, the 'Carol I' Central University Library, and the Romanian Energy Center, and "promises to be a major forum of debate on the challenges and opportunities related to local and global energy security."
