Cars: National production of cars exceeds 500,000 units in 2022
The production of cars in Romania reached 509,465 units in 2022, an increase of 21% compared to the previous year, according to the data provided by the Association of Automobile Manufacturers in Romania (ACAROM).
In December last year, 35,930 cars were produced locally, of which 22,593 units were produced at the Dacia plant in Mioveni, and 13,337 units at the Ford Romania Otosan plant in Craiova.
According to ACAROM statistics, for the entire year 2022, the production of cars in Romania reached 509,465 units (314,228 Dacia car make and 195,237 the Ford car make), an absolute record at the national level.
Year on year, the increase in the production of cars was 21%, as 420,755 units were recorded.
On the other hand, the data provided by the Driving License and Vehicle Registration Regime Directorate (DRPCIV), cited by ACAROM, reveal the fact that the number of new car registrations in Romania was, in 2022, 129,328 units, an increase of 6.7 % compared to the previous year.
In this context, the car make ranking has Dacia in the top position, with 39,910 units, followed by Toyota - with 10,200 units, Hyundai (9,551), Skoda (8,669), Ford (8,645), Renault (8,443), Volkswagen (8,203), Mercedes (3,572) and Peugeot (3,532).
Regarding the second-hand cars registered for the first time in Romania, last year there was a decrease of 20% recorded in this sector, with a total number of 316,332 units.