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Healthcare: Romania has cancer mortality rate above EU average, of about 7 pct

Romania has a cancer mortality rate above the European Union average of about 7%, said on Monday the president of the Senate and leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Nicolae Ciuca, at the debate "Cancer among women - directions for action to improve prevention, early diagnosis and early access to treatment", held at the Senate, in the context of World Cancer Day, marked on February 4.

Ciuca mentioned that there have been "a number of undue delays" in the implementation of the National Cancer Prevention and Control Plan, expressing the hope that these will be overcome this year.

"Romania has taken a number of steps to improve cancer control measures for women. In recent years, resources have been allocated and efforts have been made to develop screening programmes for cervical and breast cancer, with pilot programmes financed with European funds. However, there have also been a number of undue delays in the implementation of the National Cancer Prevention and Control Plan, which I hope will be overcome in 2024," said the Senate president.

He added that the Liberals have advocated for an increase in the funds allocated to Health, and that the ministry's budget for 2024 is 40 percent higher than in 2023. Nicolae Ciuca said that the Health minister has pledged to start the first screening programmes in 2024.

The president of the Senate also highlighted the importance of fighting some "prejudices" in our society related to vaccination and disease prevention measures.

