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Healthcare: Romania ranks well in terms of dentists and pharmacists but last in the EU for physiotherapists

Over 1.4 million professionals in the domain of health were, in 2022 in the European Union who worked as dentists, physiotherapists or pharmacists show the data published by Eurostat on Thursday.

According to these figures, the EU member states held 363,162 dentists the respective year. The countries with the highest share of practising dentists compared to the population were: Cyprus (119.4 dentists to 100,000 inhabitants), Bulgaria (115.35) and Romania (114.73 dentists to 100,000 inhabitants) which Greece and Portugal had the highest share of dentists authorized to practise, 133.2 dentists to 100,000 inhabitants, namely 120.6 dentists to 100,000 inhabitants.

At the other end, Ireland had the fewest dentists in the EU, 45.1 to 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Malta, 50.8 and Slovakia 54.7.

As for physiotherapists, in 2022 there were approximately 626.027 such specialists in the EU. Germany is the first in the EU, with 235.1 physiotherapists to 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Belgium (220.5), the Netherlands (198.1). In contrast, the last in the ranking of the EU is Romania with 14.2 physiotherapists to 100,000 inhabitants, surpassed by Bulgaria (26.8) and Slovakia (41).

In the case of pharmacists, for the 26 states for which the data are available, in 2022 there were 418,456 pharmacists. Malta had the highest number of practising pharmacists, with 151.6 to 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Italy (135.6), Belgium (132.5) and Romania with almost 120 pharmacists to 100,000 inhabitants.

At the other end, the Netherlands had the fewest pharmacists to 100,000 inhabitants, 21.9 followed by Denmark (58.1) and Germany (67.3).

In 2022, in the EU there were 14,306 graduates from dentist schools and 20,806 graduates from pharmacy faculties.

In absolute figures, Romania was the second in the EU according to the number of graduates of dentist schools with 1,878 graduates, being surpassed only by Germany with 2,504 graduates. Compared to the total number of inhabitants, Romania is the leader in the EU with 9.9 graduates of dentist schools to 100,000 inhabitants.
