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Infrastructure: New Coradia Stream Trains from Alstom in Romania: Testing Completed and Ready for Launch

Alstom has completed dynamic tests of the Coradia Stream trains for Romania, marking a significant step towards their entry into service, this is reported by the railway transport news portal Railway Supply.


The tests were conducted at the F?urei test track, where six-car trains were accelerated to speeds of up to 160 km/h.

This is an important milestone in the train certification process, bringing them closer to the moment when they can safely transport passengers on Romanian railways.

After successful testing at the test site, the trains will undergo additional trials on several routes across the country.


These tests are necessary to obtain all the required permits and confirm the readiness of the rolling stock for operation. Previously, Coradia Stream trains underwent comprehensive tests at the VUZ test ring in Velim, Czech Republic. During these tests, Alstom simultaneously deployed three trainsets, accelerating the certification process.


Coradia Stream trains are distinguished by a high level of comfort and safety.

These are low-floor electric trains that can accommodate up to 350 passengers, ensuring accessibility for people with reduced mobility.


An innovative feature is the implementation of a digital passenger counting system, allowing the operator to effectively manage transportation and respond to changes in passenger flow in real-time.


The first trains are expected to enter service by the end of this year. According to the contract signed in March 2022, Alstom is obliged to supply 37 of these trains to Romania. Initially, the contract was concluded with a consortium of Astra Vagoane and the Chinese corporation CRRC, which developed a new train model specifically for this project. However, after a series of legal proceedings, the contract was awarded to the French manufacturer. With the launch of the new Coradia Stream trains, rail transport in Romania will reach a new level.


Alstom’s modern rolling stock will significantly improve passenger service quality, making journeys more comfortable and safer.


In the context of growing demand for environmentally friendly modes of transport, such solutions are becoming increasingly popular in the global market.


Romanian railways are preparing for large-scale changes, and the introduction of Alstom’s innovative trains is an important step in this direction. They are expected to enhance not only passenger comfort and safety but also optimize logistics, improving the overall efficiency of rail transport in the country.




