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Real Estate: Peri-urban area of big cities becomes attractive alternative for buyers

Big city peri-urban areas have become an attractive alternative for interested buyers, presenting some obvious advantages, such as lower prices, more generous areas and the opportunity to have their own garden, according to an analysis made by a specialized website.


Imobiliare.ro analyzed demand in the house section of localities located in the vicinity of Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara and Brasov, next to the evolution of offers and price tendencies recorded in the first part of 2024.


The peri-urban residential offer developed gradually as housing alternative, at first to the limited number of houses within the city, to reach the pandemic period when it competed with apartments in the families with children segment. Since then, the segment diversified, including today individual homes, duplexes, triplexes or in-line houses. While the initial advantage of peri-urban offers was space, today we are talking about prices comparable to those of new apartments with 3 or 4 rooms located in cities. At the same time, new peri-urban generations attract a series of investments such as private schools and kidergartens, commercial centers or big retailers and in some cases the authorities contribute to the development of city transport infrastructure or to bike lanes,”said Daniel Crainic, marketing director at Imobiliare.ro, according to a website press release.


Buyers find the most expenses houses for sale on the outskirts of Cluj Napoca and in the vicinity of Bucharest. The only two localities where a square meter sells at prices over 2,000 euros are Feleacu and Salicea, both in Cluj county.


People who want to move to the outskirts of Bucharest pay most for properties located in the north of the city, in Voluntari. Also, the most expensive houses can befound in the north of Timisoara, in Dumbravita, or in the case of Brasov, the highest prices are for houses in Cristian.


The extremely varies offer in Bucharest-Ilfov area also makes the cheapest properties in peri-urban areas of large cities to be fund in the vicinity of Bucharest, in the southern area.


Buyers who choose a house close to Brasov pay less if they prefer Codlea area. In this case, a square meter sells for less than 1,000 euros.


Buyers who want to move near Timisoara, but would not pay more , should try the Sanmihaiu Roman or Remetea Mare areas, the mentioned analysis shows.


The most expensive old houses, built before 2020, can be found in Feleacu (Cluj), where the average price requested for these properties reaches 2,457 euros/sq.m.


Owners request the highest prices for properties with the most generous land areas, of at least 500 sq.m., in Feleacu (Cluj, 2,160 euro/sq.m) and the lowest prices in Bragadiru (Ilfov, 1,040 euro/sq.m.). Buyers interested in houses with lands of 250-500 sq.m. pay more for areas in Dezmir (Cluj, 1,787 euro/sq.m) or the least in Pantelimon (Ilfov, 1,037). Old houses with the smallest land areas (100-250 sq.m) are sold at higher prices in Voluntari (Ilfov, 1,860 sq.m) and at lower prices in Bragadiru (Ilfov, 1,101 euros/sq.m)”.


At the same time, the most expensive new houses , completed after 2020, can be found in Cluj county, at Salicea, where owners sell at an average price of 1,955 euro/sq.m.


According to offers, Berceni has been a champion in past years and the number of properties available for buyers is growing every year. In quarter 1, 2024, people interested in moving on the outskirts of Bucharest could choose from more than 1,000 houses and villas in Berceni.


The expansion of Undergorund line M2 Pipera-Berceni by another station, Tudor Arghezi and plans for its extension by three more stations in Berceni commune make this area one of the most attractive for potential buyers. The number of people who have already moved to Berceni has constantly grown of late, the latest tender indicating about 14,000 people, Imobiliare.ro shows.
