Trade: eMAG: Romanians trust online trade, orders go up while sales are over initial estimates

Romanians trust online trade, the number of sales is going up and cumulated figures since the beginning of the year are over initial estimates, said Irina Pencea, general manager of eMAG Romania and senior VP eMAG Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary, present at Profit E-commerce Challenges of growth in markets with ever harsher competition - 5th edition.
“In Romania we feel the people's confidence in e-commerce, we feel that people are buying more, we see that in present figures. We have more orders from the same customers and more customers who buy online from more product categories. Besides household appliances, we see more orders for the other categories of products like fashion, consumables, cleaning products, products for children, a.o”, said Pencea.
In the case of eMAG, the biggest online retail dealer in Romania, Pencea says that in 2024 initial estimates have already been exceeded. She pointed to the fact that delivery time to the other markets where eMAG is present is affected by the fact that Romania is not part of Schengen.
'Practically, delivery time grows by one day because of the time spent by going through customs. If we were part of Shengen, delivery time would be shorter, customers would receive ordered products more quickly and sales would grow. The growing potential in the area is very high, we have confidence in the rising e-commerce in the area, and that is why we invested in the two markets – Hungary and Bulgaria. It is important to acclerate and be able to play in an area offering the same conditions to players in these countries, to be able to have more rapid access abroad, the same as in Hungary any European player can go to the neighbouring country without going through customs,” Pencea said.