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Trade: Romanians like to shop, but 35 pct of them feel more time pressure compared to other Europeans

Eastern Europeans like to shop, especially Romanians, with nine out of ten shoppers agree with this statement, according to study by GfK, business-review.eu informs.

In the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria, seven in ten respondents consider shopping as being pleasant, while in Bulgaria only half of the shoppers say the same thing.

In Romania, people like to shop, but feel more the time pressure than other countries. In Austria and Czech Republic this is felt the least, while in Romania 35 percent of the shoppers feel this pressure when making daily shopping. This can be influenced also by a development under potential for the modern proximity commerce, compared with Austria.

The shopping lists are still important, but less used in Romania compared with Bulgaria, according to GfK study „households panel”. In Romania five in ten shoppers organize their shopping according to a list and the number in decreasing from one year to the other, unlike Bulgarian, who almost 70 percent of them use it.

At the right time, Romanians prefer to buy everything from a single store, however the search for a better price makes them visit more stores.
