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Delgaz Grid completes new 23 mln. lei investment in Onesti



The distribution company Delgaz Grid has completed the construction and put into operation, at the end of December 2024, a new transformer station, Onesti Centru, through an investment of over 22.7 million lei, which will benefit over 31,000 customers in Onesti municipality and 39 other localities in the surrounding area.


Consumers will benefit from better services by increasing the degree of continuity in the supply of electricity and the quality of the distribution service, while increasing the connection capacity for new consumers, prosumers and green energy producers. At the same time, the Onesti Centru station was powered at 110 kV, a voltage level that provides increased security in the supply of electricity to the area.


The main works carried out were: 1.3 km of 110 kV network with two circuits, the station itself, with two power transformers and equipment specific to energy distribution at a voltage of 20 kV. Additionally, to increase the security of consumer supply, the necessary conditions were created for the connection between the Onesti Centru Station and the second unit of this kind in the municipality, the Onesti 35 Station.


The equipment and technologies used are state-of-the-art, and the station is remotely supervised and controlled, being integrated into the SCADA (Monitoring, Control and Data Acquisition) system.


The objective is part of a larger project, called “Modernization and integration into SCADA of the Onesti and Letea transformer stations, managed by Delgaz Grid” co-financed by the Modernization Fund, which also includes the modernization of the Letea transformer station near Bacau. The value of the entire project is over 100 million lei, of which approximately 67 million lei represents non-reimbursable co-financing from the Modernization Fund, and 34 million lei is the contribution of Delgaz Grid.
