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Framework agreement on the establishment of the International Solar Alliance ratified by President Iohannis  


President Klaus Iohannis signed on Wednesday the decree regarding the promulgation of the law for the ratification of the framework on the establishment of the International Solar Allaince (ISA).

The respective framework was open for signing in Marrakesh, on 15th November 2016 and signed by Romania in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates on 3 December 2023.

ISA was set up on 30 November 2015 in Paris, on the joint initiative of the President of France and the Prime Minister of India, as a coalition of solar-rich countries to address their energy needs.

According to the explanatory memorandum submitted to Parliament, once it enters into force, the Framework Agreement will ensure the strengthening of cooperation in the field of solar energy between Romania and the ISA member states, with a view to transforming our country's energy sector by diversifying energy supply sources and routes.

The increase in the share of renewable energy resources in energy consumption, which is linked to the phasing out of coal, foresees a renewable energy target for Romania of 30.7% in 2030.


The document shows that Romania is a country with significant solar resources, with over 210 sunny days per year, according to statistics. In support of decarbonisation, the investment needs in additional solar generation capacity are expected to be 3.7GW over the coming years until 2030.


In total, almost 120 countries have signed the ISA accession agreement and almost 100 have also deposited an instrument of ratification.
