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Natural gasses price market for industry to be liberalized by Dec 31, 2015

The gasses price market for the non-household consumers will be liberalized by December 1, 2015, the step being agreed upon by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) officials, National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) President Niculae Havrilet told Agerpres, on Wednesday.

'The measure is compliant with the Law No. 123(Law 123/2012 on electricity and natural gasses - editor's note) stipulating that the liberalization for the non-household consumers is due by 2014, with the possibility that the deadline should be protracted whether that gaps between the imported natural gasses and those extracted at home become too wider. And this, to prevent unsustainable price gaps at the end of the time span. It has been raised the issue what if the gap becomes too wide on Oct 1 in 2014, and we agreed on continuing using the existing tables, with the specification that liberalization may be completed by Dec 31, 2015,' said Havrilet.

The current prices for imports amount to about 390 USD/per 1 thousand cu.m, while the price for the Romanian made natural gasses amounts to round 196 USD/per 1,000 cu.m, the the gap ranges from simple to double,' ANRE official added.

He also stressed that the deadlines stipulated in the calendars regarding the gas market liberalization for the household users has never changed and the market is fully liberalized late in 2018.

About 25 percent of Romania's natural gas consumption comes from imports.
