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Solar park to open on 65-million-euro investment

A Spanish company is building a solar park covering 135 hectares in the Romanian town of Livada, Satu Mare County, on an investment of 65 million euros.

Construction site manager Filip Popescu told Agerpres that the park, to be ready this November, has a capacity of 56 MW, generating electricity for nearly 60,000 households.

After the park is commissioned, nearly 145 people will work there full time in panel and land maintenance.

'We are interesting in recruiting electricians and engineers, but there will also be people to mow the lawn and keep up the road. We are looking for people everywhere, but we prefer people as close to Livada as possible,' said Popescu.

He said such and investment is amortised in 12-15 years, depending a lot on sun and legislation.

The construction company is part of the Bester Generacion group of companies that is the majority shareholder in the park. Among the shareholders are also Italian and South Korean entities.

