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Gen Z Redefines Success: Why They Reject Financial Compromises

Young people from Generation Z want financial independence, but they are not willing to achieve it at any cost, prioritizing mental health, personal relationships and ongoing financial education. They also refuse to sacrifice personal balance in favor of quick wins.


According to the study conducted by VSFA, Insights PulseZ, 50% of them consider financial stability essential, and 49% place a major emphasis on health. This generation, born between 1996 and 2010, approaches the job market with a balanced approach between career, health and social relationships, refusing to accept compromises in these essential areas.


A generation aware of financial challenges, but selective in choices

Young people are aware of financial constraints and are making efforts to adapt, although this is not without difficulties. Despite the context, a third of them demonstrate confidence and responsibility in managing personal finances. This attitude denotes an early maturity in managing resources and a refusal to accept significant compromises in their personal lives.


Success and money – a strong but not absolute connection

Although financial success is not the main goal for Generation Z, 15% of young people between 16-18 years old and entrepreneurs associate success and achievement with money. Moreover, entrepreneurs are 2.2 times more likely than those with jobs to make this association. At the same time, 1 in 10 entrepreneurs admit to using money to demonstrate their status and power, sometimes spending more than they can afford.


Financial learning – a continuous journey


Even though many young people from Gen Z feel financially responsible, 30% of them believe that they still have to learn about money management, while only 21% of entrepreneurs believe that they need to improve in this area. This reflects a growing desire for financial education and self-improvement, and is a signal for the creation of new programs and resources to support this generation.


KRUK Romania supports financial education through annual programs and supported the VSFA study to better understand the youth of Generation Z. It has been observed that they not only actively manage their money, but also become mentors for those around them. Approximately a third give their friends advice on saving and budgeting, and almost a quarter encourage them to be more frugal. In addition, 1 in 10 young people recommend investments, which shows a growing interest in financial education and long-term planning.


Our partnership with Romanian Business Leaders reflects the shared desire to support financial education and inspire young people in Romania to develop solid financial skills,” said Cosmina Marinescu, CEO of KRUK Romania. We are delighted to support the Vreau S? Fiu Antreprenor (VSFA) project, now in its fourth year, as this collaboration allows us to discover the needs and aspirations of Generation Z. In this way, we contribute to the training of financially informed and responsible young people.”


How is the market responding?


Companies that want to hire young people from this generation will have to adapt. Gen Z is no longer looking only for attractive salaries, but also for a friendly work environment, mental health and a professional purpose that provides them with fulfillment. Flexibility in the workplace, personal development opportunities and company valuesare becoming decisive factors in choosing an employer.


The PulseZ Insights study highlights a generation that is ready to face financial challenges, but refuses to accept compromises when it comes to their valuesand health. This data provides a clear perspective on the young people who will shape the labor market and consumer preferences in the near future.



