Gov't approves Tax Code amendments applicable as of Jan 1, 2024
The government approved on last Thursday a draft act amending and supplementing the Tax Code, which transposes into national law certain provisions of the European Directive on the common VAT system, and which would apply from January 1, 2024.
"The provisions regarding the statement submission deadlines for the special regimes provided for at Art. 314, 315 and 315^2 of the Tax Code are clarified, as the last calendar day of each month is expressly established for this, even if it is a non-working day. The current version of the Tax Code stipulates that these statements can be submitted until the end of the following month, after the end of the reporting fiscal period," the Executive said in a release.
The government mentions that this way, situations will be avoided where although the statement required for special regimes was duly submitted according to Romanian legislation, there was a possibility for it to be considered overdue according to the legislation of the consumer member states, and the taxable person subject to a special regime in Romania be charged interest and penalties.
Also, the regulatory act repeals the provisions regarding the possibility of appointing an authorized tax representative in the case of certain categories of imports brought to Romania from a third territory.
"For the excise duties charged on the production of natural gas used for technological purposes, provisions similar to those applied to electricity are introduced," the release states.
"The transposition of this directive into national law will have a favorable impact on the business environment, because, as payment service providers keep records of cross-border payments and make them available to the tax authorities, the latter will have more information to detect e-commerce VAT fraud and to collect additional VAT," the government said.