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Lucian Anghel is the new chairman of the BCR Banca pentru locuinte

Lucian Anghel, the chairman of the Directorate and general manager of BCR Pensii is the chairman of the Board of BCR Banca pentru Locuinte (BCR BpL). Following the authorisation by BNR, as it is presented in a press release of the bank, Lucian Anghel PhD in Economics, graduated from the Cibernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics Faculty in the Economic Studies Academy with post-graduate courses taken at Georgetown University Washington US as well an executive development programme organised by HEC Montreal Canada

Starting with 2007,he occupied the position of head economist and executive manager of the department for strategy and research in BCR.Lucian Anghel was member of the Board of Erste Asset Management and BCR Asset Management for 5 years.In 2011 he activated as external expert of the World Bank, the press release shows.

In 2008, Lucian Anghel set up, with other colleagues, the Romanian Association of the Financial-Banking analysts in Romania and he is professor in SNSPA. In 2012 he was named general manager of BCR Pensii and recently he was reelected for the second mandate as chairman of the Council of the BVB.

BCR BpL has a balance of the deposits of over 2.6 billion lei. In the BCR BpL portfolio there are over 386,000 contracts of saving-creditation with a value of 2.5 billion lei for the signed contracts. The creditation portfolio offered bt BCR BpL is over 176 million lei.  
