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Ambassador Klemm: to draw investments,Romania needs to have a fiscal framework, politically and economically predictable and stable

Romania needs to have a fiscal framework, politically and economically stable and predictable to draw investments, stated recently the ambassador of the United States to Bucharest Hans Klemm.

‘To draw attention,Romania must have a fiscal framework politically and economically stable and predictable especially in the way the economy is managed. The governmenthas the responsibility towards the companies, to the investors. When you intend to change the policies, in general, you should consult with the investors in the private sector and should have in mind incentives to draw investments. These incentives do not have to be fiscal, they can be a collaboration framework between the academic and the private sectors. To create such an environment the copyright mustbe protected, the way you transfer copyright from the state sector to the private one to encourage research and development, including in the domain of biotechnology’ Klemm said, in the debate ‘ DeCodam AND-ul viitorului Romaniei’ ( we decote the DNA of Romania’sfuture).

He also mentioned that ‘ one of my purposes in this tenure is to promote the good collaboration, an opening of the relations between Romania and the US and this means encouragement of investments – American companies to come to invest in Romania, but I think the other way round is possible, Romanian companies to invest in the US. All thouse in the leadership of the country – president Iohannis and premier Ciolos – encouraged me to put an accent on the efforts that I and the embassy could develop to encourage investments in Romania. I support this action –American investment in Romania (…). There is strategic motivation as well,as Romania is an asset for us’.

The ambassador said that he cannot have any influence on the decisions of the American companies,these belong to the shareholders only.

The debate on the issue of development of research and innovation in Romania called ‘ DeCodam AND-ul viitorului Romaniei’ took place in the Parlament Palace.
