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ANEIR: cutting down the funds for exports promotion, - serious proof of economic obscurity

Cutting off the funds for the promotion of exports at the recent budgetary regulation represents a serious proof of economic obscurity, according to a press release of the National Association of Exporters and Importers of Romania (ANEIR).

‘A national premier (maybe European) the government of the country has cut down the funds for the Programme for the promotion of exports (PPE). At the recent budgetary regulation out of the 20 million lei – budgetary loans and 45 million lei – loans for commitment required by the business environment ( taken by the ministry MMACA which operates PPE) were allocated 0(zero) lei – budgetary loans and after long negotiations 15 million lei ( namely 1/3)  - commitment loans. Initially there was estimated 0(zero) lei commitment loans. How could we translate this economic obscurity in the activity of exporters? A substantially reduced presence at fairs and international exhibitions where there are demands and offers of export/import ( on different specialties) and contact/contracts are established for the future’ the press release of the organization says.

According to ANEIR, the commercial competition is extremely tight during this period on an international plan. The lack of Romanian companies in fairs and exhibitions will generate the movement of orders from Romania towards other destinations.

Starting with this and a domestic impact coming in waves: without foreign orders, the Romanian produers will have to reduce their activity (unemployment, loss of budgetary collections, etc.) diminished foreign currency collections for the commercial balance and payment balance of Romania, with increase on the foreign debt as inheritance  for the next generations.
