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BNR  official about a possible economic crisis in Romania: We are always in danger to get into a crisis we do not know when it comes

Romania is always in danger to get into a crisis, but this does not mean that it means immediately, it may happen after a year or two, stated on Saturday the manager of the Department for financial stability in BNR Eugen Radulescu at a seminar organised in Sinaia by the Council of Competition and the Council of Employers’ in Banks of Romania (CPBR).

‘It usually means that it comes when you don’t  expect it. We are in danger of getting into a crisis. But it doesn’t mean that it happens immediately. It may happen after one or two years’ stated on Saturday the manager of the Department for financial stability in BNR Eugen Radulescu.

He said that there are indicators which help us.

The public debt is within modest parametres against the ones in the EU for example, he said.

‘There are small signals. At European level, we discuss very much about the aspects connected to the crisis signs (….). We know it will come at a certain moment. The question is now in 2018 if we are in a post-crisis from  2008 or pre-crisis,when the crisis comes’ he said.
