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Entire territory of Romania included by German authorities on epidemiological risk areas

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs on Thursday that the German authorities have decided to include Romania on the list of epidemiological risk areas.
MAE shows that information regarding the update of the risk areas, as well as the complete list containing them, are available at the www.rki.de area.

Regarding the obligation to self-isolate for a period of 14 days for all persons, regardless of citizenship, entering the Federal Republic of Germany after they were in one of the risk areas, at any time in the 14 days prior to their arrival in Germany, MAE mentions that this measure was taken at the federal level, following that effective implementation be done at the local level, on the basis of decisions adopted at the level of the Bundeslander.

Thus, the Romanian minister recommends Romanian citizens that intend to travel in the following period to the Federal Republic of Germany inform themselves regarding eventual last-minute modifications adopted at the level of the Bundesland they will arrive in.

The travel conditions valid for each destination Bundesland, as well as general conduct rules, restrictions and relaxation measures may be accessed on the page of the Federal chancellery at the following link: www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/coronavirus/corona-bund,eslaender-1745198.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends travelers also consult the webpages www.mae.ro/node/51913, berlin.mae.ro/ and www.mae.ro/.
