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Eurostat: Romanians generating smallest quantity of municipal waste in EU

The amount of municipal waste generated per person in Romania in 2017 was 272 kg, the smallest one among the EU member states, against an average of 486 kg, according to data released on Thursday by the Eurostat statistical office of the EU.

The EU member states which generated the most municipal waste per person in 2017 were Denmark (781 kg per person), followed by Cyprus (estimated at 637 kg per person) and Germany (estimated at 633 kg per person).

At the other end of the scale, only three member states generated less than 350 kg of municipal waste per person in 2017: Romania (272 kg per person), Poland (315 kg per person) and the Czech Republic (344 kg per person).

Eurostat data also show that between 1995 and 2017 the amount of recycled waste increased from 39 million tonnes (81 kg per person) to 116 million tonnes (215 kg per person). As a result, the share of municipal recycled waste at EU level increased from 17pct to 46pct.
