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Forest Workers' Association in Romania and the Romanian Commodity Exchange set up Wood Exchange

The Forest Workers' Association of Romania (ASFOR) and the Romanian Commodity Exchange (BRM) concluded a Memorandum for creating a platform for wood sales called Wood Exchange.


Such a platform will ensure transparent, efficient, competitive transactions. Data on markets administered by BRM are public and observing ethical norms are assumed by exchange regulations,”BRM  announced.


The signatories of the Memorandum say they assumed a construction which would simplify and clarify wood trade.


Exchange transactions have advantages for both sellers and buyers: prices are negotiated electronically or by auction; quotations and reference  prices are laid at the customers' disposal; the contract is carried out in good conditions based on a warranty system; electronic billing and direct debit; short procedure duration – the order will be valid in transactions in no more than7 days since its issue,  BRM shows.

The setting up the of Wood Exchange will take wood trade to another level in point of commercial and ethical perspectives.


There are wood exchanges in western states, we hope to make the Wood Exchange operational in Romania in quarter 1, 2022,” BRM shows.


ASFOR represents the interests of companies in the field of wood exploitation and primary processing. The Association promotes free, secure and transparent wood  trade and wants to develop the market devoted to the sale and purchase of wood. 


BRM is an institution of experience in the organization of material markets. It has a structure already set up for the sales-purchase of goods and points out that it can build and operate an exchange market platform for wood sales.
