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General Prosecutor’s Office takes over the investigation of August 10 violent Diaspora protest

On Tuesday, Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar has decided by order the taking over by the Prosecutor General’s Office – the Military Prosecutor’s Office, from the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Tribunal, of the file on violent incidents at the rally of August 10 2018.

In this file was decided, on August 11, the start of the criminal prosecution in regard to offenses of abusive behaviour, abuse of office and negligence in office, the Prosecutor General’s Office says, ziare.com reports.

There file has already registered 126 criminal complaints and 74 people have been heard.

“The taking over of the file is based on the unitary investigation of the events, taking into consideration also the filing of complaints against the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Bucharest Prefect, the Romanian Gendarmerie and the Bucharest General Directorate of Gendarmerie, the criminal file being at the level of the Military Prosecutor’s Office Sections – PICCJ, a file in which it was decided to initiate criminal prosecution in rem for committing offenses of abuse of office and abusive behaviour,” the Prosecutor General’s Office informs.

The quoted source also states that the file taken from the Military Prosecutor’s Office upon the Bucharest Military Tribunal was constituted as a result of the ex officio notification of the military prosecutor on duty at the Military Prosecutor’s Office upon the Bucharest Military Tribunal which found out that the images broadcasted in the public space reveal suspicion of the possible committing of criminal offenses by the military.
