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German authorities have updated of epidemic "risk areas" in Romania

The German authorities have updated the list of SARS-CoV-2 epidemic "risk areas" in Romania, and this includes 11 counties plus the city of Bucharest, people coming from these places being forced to isolate themselves for 14 days and fill in a form.

As a result of this update, according to a Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) release, Iasi County was introduced in the risk category, and Buzau, Galati and Vrancea counties were removed from the list of "risk areas". Thus, the quoted source states, at this moment, taking into account the latest decisions of the German authorities, together with Bucharest, 11 counties in Romania are on the list of "risk areas": Arges, Bacau, Bihor, Braila, Brasov, Dambovita, Iasi, Ilfov, Prahova, Vaslui, Valcea.

According to the information previously sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the counties withdrawn from the list so far are the following: Buzau (on 09.09), Galati (on 09.09), Gorj (on 02.09), Ialomita (on 20.08), Mehedinti (on 20.08), Neamt (on 02.09), Timis (on 20.08) and Vrancea (on 09.09).

Persons entering the Federal Republic of Germany from risk areas are required to complete a Public Health Passenger Locator Form, whose Romanian version can be found at the following link: www.rki.de/DE/Content /InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Transport/Aussteigekarten-COVID_RO.pdf?__blob=publicationFile.

According to information publicly communicated by the German authorities, all persons, regardless of nationality, who enter the Federal Republic of Germany after being in one of the "risk areas" at any time during the last 14 days before arrival, are obliged to go in self-isolation at home or in other suitable accommodation for a period of 14 days upon arrival.

There are two exceptions to this obligation. The first exception applies to persons who have a negative molecular biological test for COVID-19 performed no more than 48 hours before entry into Germany, through a medical certificate translated into German or English which must be kept for at least 14 days after entry. The second exception applies to persons who can take the test within 72 hours of arrival on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, with the obligation to strictly observe self-isolation at home until the communication of the negative test result. The test can be performed free of charge directly at the airport, at the family doctor or at the local health authorities.

