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Maramures, Cluj and Alba recorded the fastest economic growth in 2016

Maramures, Cluj and Alba, all in the rich region of Transylvania recorded last year the biggest rates of economic growth at national level, while Calarasi, Braila, Gorj and Salaj closed the year with modest increases of the GDP as compared to 2015 according to the data published by the National Prognosis Commission (CNP).

The Romanian economy recorded as a whole, an increase of 4.8% in 2016, according to the preliminary data published by INS.

The GDP of Romania was last year 169.6 billion euro, which corresponds to a level of almost 8,600 euro/inhabitant.

The CNP estimates show that there were big differences between the counties as regards the evolution of the GDP.

Thus, Maramures, Cluj and Alba with economic growth rates of 6.2%  and 6% respectively, 5.8% in 2016 were followed by Harghita, with a growth of GDP  of 5.7% in 2016 and Bacau, Iasi, Caras-Severin, Covasna ( all with 5.5%).

These were the only counties where the economic growth were at least 5.5% last year, according to the data available at present. In Bucharest, the economy grew last year by 5.4% over the national level average.

At the other end, in five counties of the country there was a growth rate in 2016 of the GDP under 2.5% as compared to the previous year.

The most modest advance was in Calarasi, county whose GDP increased last year y 1.6% while in Braila there was an economic growth of 2.2%, in Gorj and Salaj – 2.3% and Dolj – 2.4%.

Following the evolutions of 2016,the difference between the rich and the poor counties increased with some exceptions.

The most developed areas in the country were last year the capital city with a level of the GDP of 22,878 euro and Constan?a (12.319 euro/inhabitant), Cluj (11.089 euro/inhabitant ), Timi? (10.830 euro/inhabitant), Prahova (10.717 euro/inhabitant), Bra?ov (10.280 euro/inhabitant) and Ilfov (10.212 euro/inhabitant),these being the only areas where the GDP value is over the threshold of 10,000 euro/inhabitant.

The poorest counties in Romania areVaslui with GDP of 3,882 euro/inhabitant in 2016, Boto?ani (4.191 euro/inhabitant), Teleorman (4.482 euro/inhabitant), Mehedin?i (4.600 euro/inhabitant), Neam? (4.701 euro/inhabitant) and Suceava (4.918 euro/inhabitant)these being the only counties situated under the threshold of 5,000 euro/inhabitant.

For 2017, CNP anticipates the difference between the rates of economic growth in different regions. Thus, the most modest advance of 4.5% would be recorded in Sibiu while Salaj would have the biggest growth of the GDP of 5.9%.

For the whole economy, the National Commission for Prognosis estimates an advance of 5.2% in 2017.
