Stability in industry, retail trade and services
Moderate growth of the number of employees in retail trade and services
Moderate price growth in industry, constructions and services
Managers in industry, trade and services estimate a relative stability in their activities December 2017 through February 2018, while in constructions activity will shrink, informs a National Statistics Institute (INS)'s release.
The conjectural inquiry on December 2017 says that the processing industry's managers foresee for the next three months a relative stability of the production's amount (conjectural balance +1pct).
As for the activity of transport means' manufacturing they estimate an increase tendency (conjectural balance +16pct), says the INS release.
The industrial products' prices are estimated to grow moderately in the next three months (conjectural balance +14pct).
As for the number of employees, a relative stability is foreseen, with a conjectural balance worth -2pct on the processing industry.
According to estimates of December 2017, in the following three months the construction activity will record a drop of the production's volume (conjectural balance -37pct). The managers' estimates for the employees' number are also of diminishing conjectural balance -25pct). As regards the prices of the construction works, they will moderately grow (conjectural balance +14%).
The retail trade sector will face a mild stability in the said period (short term balance +3pct). The orders' volume to the suppliers of merchandise by the commercial units will record a moderate drop (short term balance -6pct).
The number of employees in the mentioned period will increase mildly (conjectural balance +10pct).
The commercial companies' managers estimate an increase of the retail prices (conjectural balance +23pct).
According to December 2017 estimates, the services' request (fiscal value) will know a relative stability in the said period (conjectural balance +4pct). The services' sector is estimated to see a moderate increase of the employees' number (conjectural balance +7pct). According to the managers, the retail prices or billing prices of services will go up moderately (conjectural balance +8pct).