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Telecom.IT: Mobile phone operators will have same prices for calls in and out of network

Cosmote, Orange, RCS&RDS and Vodafone will launch offers by which their clients will be able to call other networks at the same price in order to eliminate the “worries” of the Competition Council about a possible abuse of dominating position practiced by operators in their own network. The engagements of the four mobile phone operators are in a document presented by the Competition Council.


“Each mobile phone operator in Romania holds a monopoly position in the market for calls in their own networks. The Council presents engagements proposed by Cosmote, Orange, RCS&RDS and Vodafone to remove competition worries which led in 2011 to the beginning of an investigation referring to possible discrimination about prices of calls to individual mobile points”, the Council shows in a press release.


According to the Competition Council the four operators have different prices for calls according to their origin.The difference between prices for calls in the same networks and those in another network is excessive, the press release points out.


“That could lead to prejudices against consumers, who pay higher prices and might affect competition by limiting the development of smaller networks, the artificial maintenance of retail shares, the influence of users’ migration to other networks,” the press release shows.


Engagements of the parts are monitored for a period established by decision of the Competition Council. In case engagements are not fulfilled the company can be sanctioned by fines up to 10% of the business figure.
