COVID-19: Economic measures for the support of the business environment and those of social protection
On Saturday was published in the Official Gazette the emergency ordnance regarding some economic measures and fiscal-budgetary ones, through which the loans are offered for SMEs and is postponed the payment for local taxes.
The economic measures for the support of the business environment as well as for social protection decided by the government in the context of the coronavirus pandemics have got into force.
The credit lines and loans for investments will be guaranteed in maximum a 80% proportion as compared to 50% previously.
The maximum value of the working capital lines offered to a beneficiary is 5 million lei, while for the investment loans the maximum value of the financing is 10 million lei. For the micro and small enterprises, the guarantee goes up to 90% of the financing, and a loan line can get to a maximum of 500,000 lei in the case of micro enterprises, one million lei in the case of the small ones.
The ministry of public finances will subsidize 100 % of the interests for loans to be guaranteed, both for micro-entreprises and for small and medium enterprises.
The interest will be subsidized from the moment the loan was offered to 31 March 2021.
‘The interest subsidy is kept for 2021- 2022 starting with April 2021 only as the economic growth estimated by the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis for these years is under the level of those registered in 2020 and is established through government decision’ the institution says.
The fiscal obligations which are due and other budgetary debts will be paid from the loan/loan line for the working capital offered in the programme.
The guarantee period for loans/loan lines for the working capital will be 36 months with the possibility of extension by 36 months. For the investment loans the period mentioned was 120 months.
MFP will cover from the budget the management fee to cover the costs for offering and monitoring the guarantees offered by FNGCIMM.
The ministry of public finances and ANAF state they had in mind a large series of measures for the support of the business environment in the present context, with priority the following:
-no interest and delay penalties are calculated for delayed fiscal obligations starting with the date of the emergency ordnance coming into force up to 30 days after the emergency state expires;
-these fiscal obligations are not considered overdue fiscal obligations;
-all actions of foreclore are stopped or not started through attachment of the budgetary debts, with the exception of foreclosure which is applied for the recovering of the budgetary debts decided through tribunal decisions in criminal cases. The measures for the suspension of the foreclosure through attachment order on the traceable sums representing income and money assets are enforced,by law, by the loan institutions or third parties without any formalities on the part of the fiscal bodies.
These fiscal measures stop within 30 days since the emergency situation stops.
Another document published which comes into forece is the emergency ordnance for the amendment and completion of some documents, as well as for the establishment of measures in the domain of social protection in the context of the epidemiological situation determined by the spreading of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
In this OUG the government established that during the emergency situation, for the period of the suspension of the work contract at the initiative of the employer, in case of temporary interruption of the activity, the compensation the employees benefit from be supported from the budget for unemployment insurance. The level of the compensation will be minimum 75% of the basic salary corresponding to the working place when paid from the salary fund, but not higher than 75% of the gross average salary gain included in law no6/2020 regarding the budget of state social insurance for 2020. These provisions are going to be enjoyed by the employees of employers who meet certain conditions.