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ONRC: Number of dissolved companies up 24.57pct, in first four months of 2023

The number of dissolved companies increased by 24.57pct, in the first four months of 2023, to 13,300 compared to 10,677 in the same period of 2022, according to the data centralized by the National Trade Registry Office (ONRC).

The most dissolutions were registered in Bucharest, namely 2,801 companies (up 38.05pct compared to the first four months of 2022), and in the counties of Timis (742, +54.91pct), Cluj (646, +31.03pct), Constanta (614, +12.04pct) and Ilfov (517, + 26.61pct).

At the opposite pole, the fewest company dissolutions were recorded in the counties of Covasna, namely 72 (-28.57pct), Ialomita (72, +50pct) and Mehedinti (73, +14.06pct).

The activity area that registered the most dissolutions of companies, in the first four months of 2023, is wholesale and retail trade, the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, where 3,666 dissolutions were registered at national level. Compared to the similar period of the previous year, dissolutions in this sector increased by 11.67pct.

According to the quoted source, professional, scientific and technical activities, constructions, as well as the manufacturing industry are other areas of activity where a large number of company dissolutions were recorded, namely 1,307 (+36.57pct), 1,239 (+27.73pct) ), 1,142 (+22.53pct), respectively. 

