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Perla Harghita reports a turnover increase by 20% versus last year

Perla Harghitei, one of the most important natural mineral water bottling companies in Romania, recorded a turnover of 30,5 mil. Euro last year – a 20% increase compared to the previous year. The volume increase of sold units was 19%, according to the financial results that Perla Harghitei released on last Thursday.


These results were generated by a stronger team in several key company areas, an improved operational process and functional commercial team focus on building relations with distribution partners. A brand new brand communication platform contributed also to an enhanced awareness and penetration of Perla Harghitei brand in consumers’ preferences.


The company, which announced a multi-year investment plan of 40 million euros in 2023, estimates that the sustained pace of growth will continue in 2024.


“We get encouraging signals from both our trading partners and consumers. As a strategic priority, in the medium and long term, we aim at strengthening our responsible corporate governance, by optimizing and digitizing our activities and investing in technology. The final outcome of our strategy is to have a responsible use of this precious resource – natural mineral water”, said Mihai Neagu, CEO of Perla Harghitei.


Perla Harghitei, with its factory located in Sancraieni (Harghita county), is a market leader in the category of natural mineral water bottled in returnable bottles and has


Perla Harghitei and Tiva Harghita brands in its portfolio.


According to the company’s management, the returnable glass segment remains a strategic one, with Perla Harghitei planning to expand its distribution network nationwide and its operational investments as well.


At the moment, this market segment is small, but we are determined to contribute to settling a new consumer behavior, which is more eco-friendly, while also bringing more value to our consumers and customers”, added Mihai Neagu.


As part of Perla Harghitei’s investment plan in modernization and improving the way natural mineral waters are captured, bottled and delivered, the company is about to complete an investment of approx. 6 million Euro in its water management station – a wrap-up of the latest technology needed for a more sustainable future.


The company’s results for the first two quarters of 2024 are positive compared to the same period last year, hence the commercial strategy introduced by the new management team in 2023 will continue in order to keep Perla Harghitei among the top trusted business partners.
