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Romania could record the weakest year of the last 20 as regards the newly set up companies with foreign capital

Romania could record this year the weakest number of the companies with foreign capital newly set up over the last 20 years, after the first ten months there were registered over 10% fewer as compared to the same period of the previous year, say the data of the National Office of the Trade Registrar (ONRC).

At the same time, this year the number of natural and judicial persons registered was dropping, while the insolvencies and the activity suspension diminished.

The number of companies with foreign capital newly set up over the first ten months of 2016 dropped by 10.5% as compared to the same period of the previous year at4,420 companies. The total value of the social capital of the 4,420 new companies is 33 million dollars. Most companies were set up in March, 509 respectively with 17.7% fewer than the same month of 2015.

At the end of October the number of companies in Romania with foreign partnership to the capital was 208,886 the total value of the social capital is over 43.8 billion euro.

According to the ONRC data Romania recorded in 2015 the smallest number of the companies with foreign capital newly set up over the last 18 years. Thus, last year were set up 5,831 companies, dropping from 6,219 units, in 2014.After 1991, most companies were set up in 2007, when there were registered over 15,000 units. At the other end, the fewest were in 1995, 3,400 respectively.

From the point of view of subscribed social capital, 2015 is the weakest of the last 12 years as regards the companies with foreign capital newly set up, as the total value is almost 1.2 billion euro. In 2003, the total sum was 996,2 million euro. The highest value of the social capital, almost 4 billion euro cumulated,was recorded in 2008. In 2014 there was an important value of 3.89 billion euro. As regards the smallest value after 1991, 1995 is important for the value of the social capital of 183.7 million euro.

As compared to 2014, last year the total value was smaller by 68% according to the ONRC information.

Between 1991 – 2015 there were set up 204,466 companies with foreign partnership in the capital, the total value of the subscribed social capital being over 42.8 billion euro, especially companies in construction ( the share of 27.2%) industry (25.9%) professional services (19.3%). The most companies were set up in Bucuresti, 92.072 with total value of the social capital 21.9 billion euro.

Out of the 204,466 companies, 41,749 companies with Italian capital, but the highest value of the social capital is that of Dutch companies, 8.4 billion euro respectively, although they have about 4,600 companies.

The number of registered companies, dropping

Since the beginning of the year and until the end of October, the number of natural and judicial persons registered dropped by almost 7% at 93.567. The most of these, 63,828 were companies with limited liability. At the same time, 18.519 were authorised natural persons and 9,224 – individual companies, the rest being corporations and others.

According to ONRC in the top of decrease is the county Braila (-22.99%) Alba (-22.91%) and Vrancea (-22%).

From the point of view of CAEN ranking, most companies set up were the retail and engross 27,872 respectively with 6.69% higher.In the sector of activities of the private households as employer of household personnel, activities of the private households of goods production and services destined to consumption was recorded the highest drop of 62,5% at 3 and that of the production and electricity supply and thermal and gas, hot water and air conditioning, the number being half at 61.

The number of companies SRL –D would be 34,871 on 31 October out of which 33,443 were functioning and 1,428 – deregistered. At the same time, 1,016 were on the way to be set up.

The situation of the registration of companies ( on the basis of HG no.166/2003) – facilities offered to students shows that their number was 19,652 out of which 11,236 were functional, the rest being deregistered.

Most shareholders or associates of the companies in Romania were aged between 40 and 49 representing 29.78% of the total in January, show the data of the ONRC.

An important share of 27.47% is represented by those aged between 30 – 39 and those between 50 – 59 had a share of 17.83%.At the same time, over 174,000 shareholders were aged over 60 (14.72% of the total) and more than 121,000 were below 29 years old.(10.2%).

The number of judicial persons active in Romania was 776,879 and the number of shareholders/associates natural persons over 1,18 million in January. The distribution according to sex shows that most natural persons are men – 63.48% of the total and the rest women (36.52%).

Insolvencies and activity check dropping

The number of companies which got into insolvency this year could be lower than that of last year. Thus, in the first ten months of this year 6,747 companies got into this procedure, with 21% fewer than the same period of 2015.

According to ONRC ,most of cases which were registered in Bucharest 1,363 respectively (-10,45% against the period January - October 2015). The capital city being followed by Bihorwith 468 (1.52%) and Iasi with 409 *15,21%). Depending on the domain of activity, most insolvencies were in retail and engross, car and motocycle repair, 2,077 respectively, dropping by 25,13% against the first ten months of last year.

At the same time, 13,645 companies suspended their activity, the number being lower by 4.43% against the same period of the previous year, the capital city being the first with 1,961 companies (+10,04%).

As regards the winding up these increased by 17,83% in the first ten months of 2016 being 25,588 such cases, in Bucharest being registered most cases 5,586 (+32.68%).
